Sonus Infinitum - The Seventh Musical Project from Layerlogic, 2011

iTunes sell music

Rhett's Run 2009 - MWFTSC

Well, after preparing for the last 8 months in gym, riding, eating right and plenty, and partying little, my efforts paid off. I pulled out a middle of the pack finish on time among expert finishers, 11th overall, on my first race since the 2008 season. In retrospect i wonder why the #%@ didnt i start racing in March.


Duff and i left kc around 9 and pulled up to a well attended event at cosmo park in colombia mo. it threatenend rain, and we slicked our way through a wet preride, but about 20 mins before the race the boomer slid by and is was sunny and humid. I had set up myself for one bottle per lap, starting with two, and they were placed at the feed zone all lined up. The race format is - race for 1:30 then first to finish whattever lap their on wins. I figured 4 laps.

The line was full of people i didnt even know anymore. all i knew among a hundred some expert and sport racers was duff! i guess after 7 years things change. the race went off pretty smooth bigg'n it in the woods in middle pack. the trail was a bit slick, but hardened up about half way through first lap, i had a dab on the steep little rocky climb and had to stumble around while letting several people pass me. After that i was in no mans land, stretched out by the riders in front and holding speed on the riders behind due to the trails kick ass texture and flow and my 9'ers ability to roll fast over big stuff - not to mention recently changing to an old turbo road saddle with plenty of leather and generous porportions to help stick switchies and v-notches. Sworks control on the rear hooking up and the fastie crossmark on the front with lock out for the generous fast gravel sections at cosmo.

after getting my bearings back from the little misstep i found my legs and hr settled down and i was able to lay down big ring all over the place. by the first part of the second lap i started lapping sport riders, and started a cat and mouse passing game with a couple lite little single speed mofos. They could light it up on the short uphills or timing, but i busted out the big ring and simply out geared one of them in the end. nailing my bottle on the second lap, i knew i was going to have it, and had little time to make up lost ground and put the pedal to the metal. i was calling out rider up! and ripping around spectators and riders, it was a blast!! I passed back several expert guys between the 3rd and 4th lap and held off the single speeder in a crazy end of the race 3 minute effort to finish 1:44. The overall winner was at 1:28, this sick fucker Dave B from St. Louis, i guess, and the overall last place was 2:05. So smack dab in the middle. there were several finishers between 1:40 and 1:44, so that is where my sites are set for next time...

After racing this weird format i realized that its basically a sprint compared to the racing back in the late 90's. So i worked out an extra sick hill repeat / single track circuit so i can climb the blue river valley and hit 10 mins of fast and hilly single track at swope each lap. i think i will just simulate the 1:45 race once per week using this route. And i re-instigated Liberty Laps, which was bad ass yesterday, to take full advantage of urban space, with killer hills. all the mid-body work has baid off and i am going to keep going to the gym for that, plus doing the back extensions is helping to heal up my ham, which is a bit ichy still. I feel like i can actually pull my legs up from my stomach on steep climbs, it gives me endurance. thinking about doing yoga, but not in a class.

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